Upgrade 3w diode laser

Hi guys, a friend gifted me a 3w diode laser engraver. Everything works but he told me the laser was not working anymore. I would like to upgrade the laser unit to a 10w output laser but I’m not sure which laser unit to buy. Can anyone perhaps send a link to a laser I should be looking at?
I took picture of the unit to help. Can someone please tell me what the electronic box is next to the control board that’s going to the laser? I also took a pic of the power supply thats powering the board as I’m not sure if I would require another power supply

I’d recomment a Sculpfun S10 or S30 Pro laser head. Those are known to be among the best heads of the 10W segment.

The control box is most likely converting the PWM signal into a analog signal for the old laser head. If you get a new laser head, you won’t need that, I think.

For a 10W laser head, you should have around 12V 5A power supply, maybe better to have 12V 7A.

Not from the picture… what’s it wired up to?

@misken may be correct in that it’s a pwm to dc converter for spindle speed control.

On mine, it was < than a 2" square board… so I don’t know why it’s so big…

It looks like most of your mounting/case is 3d printed parts. I highly doubt it will just bolt up… You may have to create a way to mount the new laser module.


Thanks so much guys it makes sense the electronic box is pwm converter for the laser. the 3d printed parts wont be a problem; I have one. ok now just to get a new laser. I will try and find a sculpfun 5w laser.