Upgrade von GRBL auf Ruida, aber der Lizenz Schlüssel ist abgelaufen

Den Schlüssel der abgelaufenen GRBL Lizenz habe ich, jetzt möchte ich den neuen OMTech Turbo 535 mit Lightburn testen.

Welche Schritte dazu sind sinnvoll und Notwendig?

Grüße in die Welt :love_you_gesture:

I have the key of the expired GRBL license, now I want to test the new OMTech Turbo 535 with Lightburn. What steps are sensible and necessary?

Greetings to the world :love_you_gesture:

If the new machine is a grbl machine, it should work. If the new machine has a Ruida controller, then you have to upgrade to the pro or dsp/fiber version.

Make sense?


Wenn es sich bei der neuen Maschine um eine grbl-Maschine handelt, sollte sie funktionieren. Wenn die neue Maschine über einen Ruida-Controller verfügt, müssen Sie auf die Pro- oder DSP/Fiber-Version aktualisieren.

Sinn ergeben?


I think you can download a separate copy of Lightburn, install it in a different folder, and run it in the Trial mode. That will allow you to test the new machine.

You can use our free trial to give Pro a try, even if you already have a LightBurn Core license key.

To do this, you will need to deactivate your license key, then the trial version should take over, allowing you to add DSP and Galvo devices. You can always re-activate with your license key at any time by going to Help > License Management, or from the popup screen when starting LightBurn.

To deactivate, go to ‘Help > Licence Management’ then click the “Deactivate License” button. This will revert you back to a Trial ID, instead of your License Key.

If your trial has expired - you can extend your trial yourself by selecting ‘Extend’ in the License Management window you accessed previously.

If you would like to purchase the Core to Pro upgrade, that can be done on our web store here: Upgrade LightBurn Core to Pro