Upgraded S9 it's connecting but nothing else happening

Please be gentle with me here, I am very new to this and have very little experience. I purchased a S9 about a year ago for some personal projects and I loved the laser.

I decided to upgrade it with Limit switches a few months back and went through that process relatively unscared. So this month I picked up the Air assist kit with the 32bit board. This is the kit that can automatically turn on the air assist using Lightburn.

I got everything installed and it fired right up and after manually adding the limit switch macro. It seemed to be working fine till I tried to frame a box. It would home fine and as soon as it would frame it would start rubbing and slam against the limit switches.

I did a little googling and updated the firmware on the board with the Sculpfun 32 firmware from their limit switch video.

Now lightburn connects but nothing works. Lightburn finds the S9 on the com port, connects to it. I get a weird GBRL error that I can find nothing on. Doesn’t move when homing, No movement of the laser, nothing.
Waiting for connection…
[MSG:Using machine:XY DLC32]
Homing fail. Could not find limit switch within search distance. Defined as 1.5 * max_travel on search and 5 * pulloff on locate phases.
Grbl 1.1 [‘$’ for help]
Your Grbl may not support Variable Power mode (M4)
If your laser does not turn off between cuts,
switch to the GRBL-M3 device
[MSG:‘$H’|‘$X’ to unlock]
[MSG:Caution: Unlocked]

Any help would be appreciated

Here is my GRBL output:

Those settings look ok from a first glance. I think the kit includes the S30 series mainboard. You can try to use the firmware provided here: Firmware Update & Settings - Diode Laser Wiki But be aware that you need to reset some settings after flashing. E.g., the limit pins need to be inverted usually ($5=1 as in your settings above).

If you do a fresh start, can you move the head using the arrow-buttons?

The console output looks fine. The error about the homing is that it tries to find the switches, but never reaches them. Maybe the pressed switches are not recognized anymore.

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That worked! Thank you! The S30 firmware was the issue.

Thanks to misken for the solution. I just did the limit switch upgrade to my S9 and the firmware on their video page didn’t work exactly as the OP described.

The S30 with a couple of GRBL tweaks works like a champ though.

Sculpfun gave me an S9 to review and I just asked them to clarify the limit switch firmware version and procedures. Hopefully they’ll give me an answer soon.

But thanks again for providing that solution.

If you have a recent S9, they delivered it most likely with an S10 mainboard. Check what is written on it. XY DLC32 = S10 if there is no real title but a small writing “by de Liz” on it, it’s the S30 mainboard (that one also has the “air assist” connector on it.

Thanks. I tried the S10 firmware and it also does not work. The S30 firmware performs normally. My board is marked :
XY-DLC32-KL V 1.0

When I flash either S9 or S10 Firmware the console reports GRBL 1.1 and nothing happens.

When I flash the S30 firmware the console reports GRBL 1.1h


Yes, that’s an S30 mainboard. But a version I have not seen yet. It could be a very new or one of the first revisions :slight_smile:
Mine (and some others I have here) look like posted here: Sculpfun S30 Series - Diode Laser Wiki Interesting. I suspect it to be an early version, since the newer versions have a four-pin emergency connector.

They sent me the S9 to review on my blog. I just received it about a week ago. From my take on this thread the OP had the same board, so maybe the newer S9’s ship this way now.