Upgraded To New laser

I just added a fiber laser and did the upgrade to pro but my old software had expired a few months ago and it is on a different version. Since I paid to upgrade to the pro version do I still have to pay the 30 dollar renewal before I can upgrade to the pro version?
It has been over 24 hours since I purchased the upgrade is why I am Asking.

The addition of features to the perpetual License Key is independent of the updates on the license, so you’d need to add a year of updates as well if you want use the latest releases of LightBurn.

Your updates period expired 2024-09-22, so any version of LightBurn released before that date will work for you forever, as long as you have your key, for all device types (now that you have a Pro license key)

The latest release you can use without adding a year of updates is here: Index of /LightBurn/Release/LightBurn-v1.6.03/

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Thank you . All is good now.