Upload gcode to DLC32

Hi, I can can WiFi connect to the DLC32 and stream the gcode via telnet. I can also save the gcode on my PC and upload it to DLC32 via the web interface.

Is it possible though to SAVE the hole gcode file directly to DLC32?

If the DLC32 can present its storage as a network share then LightBurn could save to it.

If the web interface uses a standard interface for the upload it’s possible it could be exposed as a network share. Webdav would work.

Alternatively, there may be some software solution that can proxy a telnet session to appear as a drive or network share but I can’t think of one offhand.

I have been looking at webdav with not much luck yet but the Telnet proxy sounds interesting!

Is there any available documentation on DLC32 web interface?

Only a demonstration of its functionality. However, DLC32’s firmware is a derivative of ESP32_GRBL, (on which also FluidNC was developed) so the basic functionality should be identical.

This worked for me. I used the Automator’s Folder Actions on my Mac for this. Whenever I save the gcode file in the designated folder, Automator uploads the file to DLC32’s SD card.

The Automator’s workflow consists of a single action (Run AppleScript) that contains the following code:

on run {input, parameters}
	set myPath to quoted form of POSIX path of input
	--display alert myPath
	set cURL to "curl -F upload=@" & myPath & " http://sculpfun.local/upload"
	--display alert cURL
	set result to do shell script cURL
	if result contains "ok" then
		display alert "File uploaded!"
		display alert result
	end if
end run

So this is my workflow:

  1. Prepare the cut in LB
  2. Save the gcode to the designated folder (this uploads gcode to the DLC32)
  3. Run gcode on DLC32

Hope it helps someone :slight_smile: