USA based laser manufacturer

Are there any USA made diode lasers? I’ve have 4 China made lasers. Two of them don’t work. One of them I’ve been trying to get fixed since Apr 2023. The other has been burning double like it has two laser beams coming through the lens. I’ve sent numerous videos and pics. Each day I get a new email looking for more pics, etc. Ugh!

When you say made in the USA, how far are you taking that? Do all the components need to be made in the US? Or just assembled in the US? Or is it only the support that you would like in the US?

Also, are you referring only to the laser module or are you referring to a whole machine?

Preferably the whole machine.
I want a company that is US based. If I have a problem I don’t want to spend months having customer service tell me they’re glad to help me but then asks me the same question five times. (It feels like a delaying tactic.). If I need a replacement part I want to speak to a person to discuss it. I currently have an Ortur LM2, 2 ATEZR 20W and an ATEZR L2-20. 2 of these machines are currently down.
I’d like to replace them with equipment that I can depend on. I understand things go wrong but I’ve been trying to get one machine fixed since last April and the other for the past three to four months.
Thank you for any advise and/or suggestions.

Many don’t, especially if you want a good response in a timely manner from a customer service representative.

I had a talk with a commercial fiber laser owner who gave me his position with commercial or western built. He advised, it’s needed to be operational for his business, so it needs to have a good service contract.

My fiber was $7k USD … His cost $70K USD and only runs US engineered/coded software. Same day service with a 24hr turn around for parts/service, if they need to physically visit. He did have the option for same day at an extraordinary price.

Basically identical machines as far as power and coverage. Mine had more adjustments than his, such as q-pulse duration.

I’ve figured that Western = 10 * Chinese price. You don’t get highest quality or service, that’s been traded off for a low price. And the ability to have one at all…

If your Chinese laser cost $1k USD, then expect to shell out around $10k USD for the equivalent in a US built laser… It might even be higher…

I’m afraid what you’d like and what there is isn’t really compatible. This is today, it could change, but service is expensive and local service is even more costly… It’s too bad, but it’s back to the almighty buck.

It’s very difficult to find lasers, such as you posses… The machines you have would probably not be allowed in the US workplace because of safety violations… China doesn’t have this problem.

Good luck…


Check out JTech lasers.

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I appreciate your response. :smiling_face_with_tear:
Thank you, Alison

Sorry, I wish you idea would be functional… There are lots of people that would like that to be available…

You can look into the previous post about J Tech… I think they are assembled in the US, but I think the parts are still Chinese, at least the laser…

Their lasers may do what you want…

Good luck


If you have enough business to justify the cost, look at Epilog, Trotec, and Universal Laser Systems. They do not use Lightburn, but all 3 have decent customer service. If you are primarily engraving, these machines engrave faster than water cooled Chinese lasers.

Can you clarify what you mean?


Take a look at the engraving speeds of Trotec, Epilog, and Universal Laser Systems verses Omtech, Thunderlaser, Aeon, or any other Chinese c02 laser.

Went over to the site, but it wasn’t clearly stated what kind of speed it does. Do you know off hand?

It’s rater a moot point as even my Chinese co2 could outrun the lps response time under many conditions…

What makes for a quicker machine is how fast it can slow down and get back up to speed in the other direction that makes jobs faster… or simply it’s acceleration.


You can watch some YouTube videos. If someone is interested in the non Chinese c02 lasers, it’s best to go to a trade show and watch them in action with a file that you bring. I couldn’t afford Trotec, so I purchased a Universal Laser Systems VLS6.60 with a 1.5" lense. Trotec and Epilog engrave faster than mine, but I primarily cut cardstock. Trotec and Epilog c02 lasers are expensive, but if you primarily engrave, and you are running a business, they are definitely worth considering. Most large engraving businesses in the USA use either Trotec or Epilog.

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