I was successful connecting Lightburn to my Atomstack A70 Max but now it doesn’t connect and is waiting to connect. I noticed that it listed something like cu.usbserial-110 or something close to that but now I don’t see that in the list next to the device button. That is what connected Lightburn to the laser. I went into terminal and it lists
Randys-MacBook-Pro:~ sunkat$ ls /dev/tty.*
/dev/tty.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port /dev/tty.debug-console
/dev/tty.Boseheadphones /dev/tty.wlan-debug.
Is there a way to get cu.usbserial back? I’m not sure how or why it is not showing up anymore.
I am using a MacBook Pro M1 running Sequoia .
Either the driver is not installed correctly or the connection is broken. With Macs, it’s very important not to connect the laser directly, but putting an USB hub or something in between.
Did you change the cable or USB dongle?
With my M2 Mac (2022 MBP) I have a specific USB-C to USB-A dongle that I use for the laser cutter - I also might have to attach it to a specific USB-C port. I occasionally see what you are describing and I generally end up swapping which port I plug into.
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