Use pattern into a box or frame

I would like to fill two squares that form a frame with a background pattern …
How can I do?

Open or import the pattern, select the ‘create rectangle’ on the left of the screen and place it around the pattern, use the ‘offset shapes’ tool, also on the left.
Right click and select all…Preview.
I believe it’s what you want.
A normal frame with a pattern picture?

Can you please show an example of what this would look like, as this could be interrupted in many ways?

Thank you all for your help. Actually I should fill a “frame” created with two squares (one small and one largest outside)
Now I simply use a cross-filling at 1mm, but I’d like to use a nuance or a reason
Thanks again to you all!

Understanding now :slightly_smiling_face:

1- Import the image
2- Create the T1 or T2 level the form that interests, in my case two concentric squares that form the frame
3- group the two squares by obtaining a single object
4- Select everything, including the image
5- From the “Tools” menu select “Apply Mask to Image”
6- it’s done

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