Hi. My name is Erol and I am writing from Kosovo. I have a 20w fiber JCZfiber laser. It came with ezcad software. I wanted to try Lightburn, therefore I have installed trial version (on windows 7 32 bit) before I purchase your license. According to what I read on internet, I have to install Lightburn driver so that my laser would work. I also downloaded Zadig for converting the drivers, but I am reluctant to use it, since I would like to retain my Ezcad driver until I finally switch to lightburn. My question is: is it possible to use both Lightburn and Ezcad on a same machine? If yes, what should I do.
You can run both on the same machine but you need to swap the drivers first. I have done this many times. The following is helpful
I thought Zadig driver ran both? Don’t have windows, but here is the site on that driver…
I’d try it with EZCad2… Worst case it won’t work, best case it will work…
No, the Zadig driver will only run LIghtBurn. You need to swap back to the EZCad2 driver to run EZCad. LightBurn and EZCad use different drivers and can not both be run without swapping drivers back and forth as needed.
Thanks… wasn’t sure… I don’t run windows, so drivers are rarely an issue.
Thought I watched the video and that it would work for both… too bad
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