I just installed my OptLaser. It’s a 6w. It attaches to my xcarve. I’ve never used a laser before and was told that Lightburn was the way to go! I will say that I expected it to be more user friendly for “Newbies” but I also expect the learning curve to take place. Lol The issue I’m running into is when i try to run a job I receive the “cut may be out of bounds error” and then it goes to the complete opposite end of the machine work area to attempt to do anything which is t even close to my material. I’m not familiar with the gcode language unfortunately. My origin is set at user origin. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You’re likely dealing with a negative workspace situation.
Suggest you review the documentation on this:
Common GRBL/GCode Setups - LightBurn Software Documentation
I’d also suggest you not use User Origin until you are very familiar witth the function of the machine with the laser. Once you sort out the negative workspace I’d suggest you use Absolute Coords until you’re comfortable with LightBurn and the laser function.
This example has part of the image outside the bounds…
This one does too…
but you don’t see it unless you zoom-scroll out like this…
When manipulating objects (as I do when designing with several elements - I move them off the grid for better visibility and room for creativity), it can easily leave a duplicate or a piece where you won’t see it. Even somthing smaller than a period can throw off the boundary. If in doubt, press ctrl+a to select “all” - then zoom-scroll out (or hit this dashed line button)
to see where all the objects are located on your total workspace.
The “p” hotkey will move the selected objects to the center of the workspace. Once you get a few designs under your Lightburn belt, it will really click.
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