Using Snapmaker built in camera with Lightburn

Has anyone had any luck using the built-in Snapmaker 2.0 camera with Lightburn?

What can you tell us about it? LightBurn needs something that connects to the computer and shows up as a USB Webcam for it to work.

And I struggled with the Snapmaker 2 camera
and I was able to see the pictures he took when he scanned the software in Luban
can be seen from the following addresses

http://Snapmaker IP:8080/api/get_camera_image?index=0
http://Snapmaker IP:8080/api/get_camera_image?index=1
http://Snapmaker IP:8080/api/get_camera_image?index=2
http://Snapmaker IP:8080/api/get_camera_image?index=3
http://Snapmaker IP:8080/api/get_camera_image?index=4
http://Snapmaker IP:8080/api/get_camera_image?index=5
http://Snapmaker IP:8080/api/get_camera_image?index=6
http://Snapmaker IP:8080/api/get_camera_image?index=7
http://Snapmaker IP:8080/api/get_camera_image?index=8
http://Snapmaker IP:8080/api/get_camera_image?index=9

but how to make LightBurn use them I don’t know

I forgot to say that you must first scan with the Lubran software once

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Sorry to have missed this. You cannot. LightBurn uses a different setup to integrate a camera view into the UI, so no, there is not a way to utilize this Snapmaker 2 camera inside LightBurn at this time.

Just to add this is how the capture is initiated, per image then retrieved per image. I’ll come back and record how the calibration works if I go that far.


The 10w uses this to request a new photo in a single operation

followed by retrieval via