Using start button from lightburn to my Ruida controller cause glitches

Using the start button in LightBurn to start a job seems to send to my Ruida’s TEMPFILE. This, for some reason, causes line blurring/glitches/other weirdness. If sent by using “Send” and then going to the unit and starting the job there works just fine.

Please share what version of LightBurn, that controller model number, and the results showing what these “line blurring/glitches/other weirdness” are, exactly. As much detail as possible, please. This helps us understand what you are observing and try to reproduce the same here. :slight_smile:

No problem I didn’t expect you guys to be so on it. When I’m done with a job I’m doing I’ll upload some pictures of what happens. Maybe I can reproduce it better.

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We are here to help. Providing details helps no matter when we get to the post, but thank you. :wink: Not trying to be difficult or pedantic, just wanting to help folks know what helps get the most reasonable and timely responses and solutions to issues raised.


I am actively testing for this issue now so any details you can give or your .lbrn files are very useful to help solve this

Here’s an example of what happened. Trying to see if I can reproduce it but I’m not sure I have all the files still.

Top was the proper cut, using Send and starting on my machine, bottom was sent through “Start”

And this? :wink:

0.9.24. Ruida 644XG.

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