Using two laser machines on two different computers

So I have acrylic pieces that have both engraving and cutting. What I would like to do is cut acrylic on my Co2. Then take the cut acrylic pieces and place them in the jig on the fiber and then engrave with the fiber. I mean in theory it should work, problem is the scale is all out of whack, so the text and border line doesnt line up where its supposed to on the cut acrylic . I understand machine preferences have to be the same on both computers, but if I import preferences, it removes my fiber devices. Is there a handy work around?

Not really the same… Both the fiber and the gantry use a corner for an origin, I find it’s much more easy to use the center of the fiber work area. Some lenses a corner is difficult as it could have reduced coverage.

As long as you can secure a repeatable X, Y position, you should be able to do this. On the fiber, I use it, based on the machines center.

I figure out how to mount the jig on the device so I can locate parts. Then I lase out the jig. If you move anything, it will be off. On a fiber you can move the head and also the larger box on top of the column, which will change your center point.

The only thing you need be sure of is the ability to locate a point (or a pair of them) on the material. I did this quite often when I was drilling holes with the CNC and then lasing out a pattern in the pcb.

I suggest you setup both machine to work, then figure out how to use the existing area to locate your job on the fiber… When you import things such as prefs, it over writes the original data.

Make sense?


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