Using with camera position

Hi !

This is my first laser machine : Ikier K1 PRO 36W :slight_smile:
I made positioning and alignement about the camera, but I encountering 2 probs.

First one is when I engrave with camera position, it’s not on the perfect position. I don’t know which mistake or bad configuration I made, but I have a circle about 2mm move away the good position. How can I correct this ? Is it a bad alignement ? Or does I need to correct position somewhere inside the config panel ?

Second one is the Z axe. I want to use camera positionning, with an previous Z positionning. I have a little piece, and I move the header in good position to take autofocus. When it’s done, I launch the engraving, but each time it reset x and y axes before (logical), but Z too ! I want to keep the previous Z position. How can I do ?
[EDIT] Thinks working great now, I disabled autofocus on the material. So bad onboard settings are used WITH lightburn settings. In my mind, I think it’s better to don’t use material settings when lightburn is in using.

Thanks ! :slight_smile:

An example :

Tried with a square.
More upper and righter than expected.

You seem to have paralax error .
Try the middle of the bed.
object height will change the “projection”

I use the camera of the Ikier Iron box. Positioning in the middle of the bed. That I sent is the result of the engraving at center.

I made more engraving pictures, at the same heigh as position calibration.

The only position looks like great is at bottom right. Others engraving positions are falsy.

I made camera calibration with delta between 0.29 and 1.3 depend of position. I made position calibration OK.

So, it’s not an offset problem, but a calibration problem I think.

Any advice ? :melting_face:

I recalibrated one more time.

Every camera calibration delta is under 0.5.

I made cut directly after positioning calibration. Same materaial, same heigh, same focus :

Same as center of the bed, bolder is the cut with camera

Tested too with positioning calibration at 100 and not 186, same results, but more smaller offset problems.
Last mention : sometimes, the laser is out of limits when I engrave for camera alignment. In fact, I put laser at home, I make frame and I launch engraving, it’s out of bounds at number 3… When it’s at 100, no problem.

Soooo !

Working great with calibration tags, not with circles card included with Ikier package. Thinks it’s better resolution than circles card.
If anyone encouter this prob, download this =>

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