Variable text max length - not scaling toward center


Im trying to use the new feature where you can set a max lenght for your text and keep the height-width ratio (Disable Squeeze)

The problem is that the text is scaling toward the top when the Y axis is set to center . The same goes if the Y axis set to top, it’s not scaled correctly

The only time its work is if the Y axis is set to buttom

Help !

Hi Andreas,

Could you clarify which LightBurn Version are you using?

Edit, I was able to replicate.

Is sutle but is there!
Thank you for reporting!


Fingers crossed that it will be fixed in the next update :slight_smile:

1 Like

Oh and if you could add the option to ignore lowercase so the text will stay in the same porsition Ex. STOP vs. Stop- That would be great :slight_smile:

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