Variable text - show but not cut

Hi all,

what I would like to do is a incremental number on each part.
This to identify the part when I move those around and when they are not in the original order anymore.
Thus; an incremental number on each part which show permanently on the part but is not cut.

I think I understand what you’re wanting. Use the variable text feature to increment the number, but put the text on a tool layer and it won’t print.

Hi @thelmuth ,

tried this thank you.
On my screen I still see ‘dd’ ‘dd’ ‘dd’ ‘dd’ but what I would like to see is ‘1’ ‘2’ ‘3’ etc

Click the bake button in variable text

yes my man, that is what I mean.

thanks a lot.

F1 qualifying is starting…I’m off

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Hello, back again :slight_smile:

What I did is all the even parts on layer 26 and the odd parts on layer 27;
the incremental digits for all the even parts on layer T1 and for the odd parts in T2.
next; grouped all the individual digits to each part.
so far so good.

Now when I move a part on the screen the grouped digit for this part is somehow not attached anymore?!

what I would like to achieve is that the digit which identifies the part for me stays attached to the part when I move it around but is not cut.

I wonder whether this is possible at all ?


Did you re- “Group” them before moving?

yes I did.

I think I found the issue; when you use the function ‘edit > select all shapes in current cut layer’ this somehow breaks-up the grouped digits and parts

I think I stick with text in each part which I move out of the canvas before cutting

thanks all

Through testing I confirmed this action. A simple workaround could be to turn off “show” for the layer(s) you’re not wanting to move, so only what you’re working with is visible, and select the layer or part that you do want to move using the mouse. That will maintain any grouping you have set.

yes, that is easier :slight_smile:

have a good day


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