Vector optimization help

I am having trouble getting this image to engrave (fill) without jumping around. I would like it to engrave from bottom to top and then cut out on the circle. I would expect the fill engrave to engrave fully starting at the bottom, but it skips areas and then comes back.
The bigger problem is when I do an array of 100 coins as it jumps around everywhere, so I thought I would start by getting one to burn correctly. I think I have tried every combination both in layer settings and optimization settings to no avail.
Any ideas?

bb.lbrn2 (48.0 KB)

Well… I couldn’t see why it was doing it that way. I use that fill for cups where jumping around isn’t a good idea. I’ll be watching this also.

Sometimes you can watch what it does in the preview and have some idea why it’s doing what it’s doing.

I ‘fiddled’ with is a bit. I wonder if it has anything to do with how you drew it.


If you turn off ‘Flood Fill’ it will engrave as you expected, might take longer though, I didn’t check that

There is a video and some discussions on how ‘fill flood’ can have some ‘unexpected’ results. Just came up again on a rotary issue.


i’ve obtained this one with an array of 5

bb.lbrn2 (41.8 KB)

in the video is upside down but the file is correct

I assume yours is the email I replied to - I’ve sent you an updated version with suggestions.

Turn off (red) ‘Flood Fill’ and set Optimization as shown to produce as you’d like.

Edit: Just reviewed email response from Oz. His file has as you’d like to produce.

I’m still not comfortable with the optimization menu and all the options.


Thank you, Oz for the email with the solution. Flood Fill being on was most of my issue.

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