Good morning everyone, I installed version 1.5.1 and only today I tried to draw… I saw the new function to round all the corners with the blue dots… excellent idea…
But if I want to use that corner to move the object and use the snap to the upper right corner, what should I do?
Thank you
Are you saying you want to be able to reference the previously existing corner position for snapping that is now gone due to having been radiused?
There’s no way you could do this directly.
As a workaround you could duplicate the shape prior to radiusing, round one of the shapes, then group the two shapes, and use the corner of the duplicate shape for snapping.
No, I would like to know how to move this object by taking it from the top right corner which is now covered by the blue dot…
If I try, the rounding function activates
Maybe I found a way…
I don’t know if it was intended but it works…
When I have a shape to move I press ESC and all the handles disappear… at this point by passing the mouse over the object the handles for snapping will appear, at the vertices, at the center of the sides but not the center of the figure…
This behavior is going to change with the next release, where the radius-dot will be off by default and shown when you hold the CTRL / Command (on mac) with a shape selected. This will allow using the corner of a shape to be dragged and snapped as you could before.
Thank very much…
indeed - thank you.
I was able to use the esc trick in the meantime - thanks Icoff!
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