When the laser head on my Omtech CO2 laser does its initial movement, it moves quickly regardless of the axis, but when it goes from one shape/group to another along the vertical axis, it moves quite slowly. This doesn’t occur when it moves horizontally however.
I estimate it’s moving vertically at 50mm/sec, but when it does the initial and final movements from the origin it moves at 200mm/sec.
To provide a visual since I’m awful at explaining things, the green dot is the origin and the red and blue arrows represent fast and slow movement.
What option in Lightburn can be used to adjust this?
The controller handles those movements based on the speed set through the machine’s console. On my KT332N, it’s in Menu → Para Set → Speed Set → XY Reset Speed.
The speed with the laser tube turned off is limited by a value you can tweak through LightBurn: Edit → Machine Settings → Idle speed. That might be the same value seen in the Move window, but I don’t use that enough to know.
There may be still more settings I haven’t used, but those should get you started.