Vevor 60w material settings

Hey everyone. I just purchased a Vevor 60w CO2 machine and i cannot se where i can find the material settings anywhere. Is there anyone else on here that knows where i can find this?

Thanks in advance

Are you looking for a pre-populated library of settings? If so, that doesn’t exist. You would need to build out your library or import it if someone has made one available.

If you’re asking about how to change the settings for a particular material you need to check the settings for each layer in Cuts/Layers window by double clicking the relevant layer.

With my old Xtool laser they have a website that has a material settings guide and with this new one I can’t find anything anywhere and I don’t even know where to start or what power/speed to use for 4mm wood. Just any type of starting point so I don’t damage my laser would be great.

Start with a moderate speed of something like 50mm/s. Go extremely conservative on power. Let’s say 15%. Then run a series of material tests above and below those speeds/power values to get a sense of how your machine performs and adjust from there.

hello. I also bought a laser vevor 60wat. z ruida 6445s. additionally mounted to indicate the current intensity (mA). helps to see what values settings and degree of use. not to destroy Tuby. on it is written >=25mA. plywood engraver quietly speed 100-300 and power 17,5-30% .depending on what you want to achieve. material tests help, but I’m just learning. I used the laser maybe 5 times. I still haven’t figured out what safe power to set cut. But the engraver already comes out quite decent. How do you feel welcome to contact me.