VIDEO: Auto-Group - Quick Tip! + Links to Art & More

Our newest Quick Tip video shows you a quick and easy way to establish the relationships of objects within multi-part projects, using Auto-Group.

We demonstrate this tool using some gorgeous Creative Commons art, which can be found here: Dekorative Vorbilder Band 8 : Julius Hoffmann : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

There’s a reference made to using the Offset tool to make cut lines around the engravings. This method is demonstrated in another video, which you can find here:

We hope you enjoy this quick tip!

Let us know if you have any feedback, or tips you’d like to see in future videos!

We’d really love to hear what tools or methods that you wish you had discovered sooner.


Billie, the video is showing as private, well for me at least :smile:

It should be public now :slight_smile:. It looks like there was a one minute delay on the clock between YouTube and the forum post! Let me know if for some reason you’re still not able to view it.


It works fine for me. Thanks for the tip, I never used it before :slight_smile:


If you only want to do this for a single thing for some reason, you can also select the outer shape line and use Edit > Select Contained Shapes.


Dang! I reckon we will need to make another video on that too!

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