VIDEO: Creative Uses for Advanced Cut Settings

You can use settings to achieve some neat and speedy effects.

We explore some of them in this new video!

See if you can work out how we did the ones a the end. :wink:

What are some settings-hacks you have developed?
I’d love to know! :slight_smile:


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All made with Lightburn 1.7.03

(points to import contact)
(points to URL)

(use your QR Code app to check)

I’m a noob, both in lightburn and in illustration programs in general. I tried making a qr code (neat feature) and it came out as all edges, no fill. I tried turning on fill for that layer, not sure i did it right, in preview it was all edges.

I have a line drawing I turned into paths with inkscape. I’d it possible to make it engrave negatively? Same for text, can I make text come out unengraved around an engraved area so that the surface is unmarred?

You should have created a new topic maybe an admin will move it.
After reading this documents:

What you want is 2 closed shapes (or shape + text) in the same (this is the trick) layer, as Fill works as a toggle - out shape fills then touch other shape in the same layer and no fill and so on…

example.lbrn2 (29.6 KB)