Our Quick Tip video this week covers equation support in the Numeric Edits Toolbar.
As someone who avoids math whenever possible, this is one of my favorite LightBurn features. But it’s not just a tool for the innumerate — even if you don’t mind a bit of math, it’s just plain faster to have LightBurn do it for you directly in the software.
Whether you’re a math lover or not, let us know if you’ve ever used equation support for anything cool — I’m particularly interested to hear of any practical uses of the supported constants or functions, like e, pi, cos, sin, and tan!
Visit our documentation for more information on the Numeric Edits Toolbar:
A little while ago there was a user who wanted to create parallelograms with specific corner angles. I suggested the method linked below. It uses the “Tan” function in a numeric edit field.
More recently there was also a user that wanted to draw a circle with a specific circumference. In this case “pi” came in handy.