VIDEO: Save Time With Default Layer Settings

Working from default layer settings is a great way to avoid mistakes and save time, so LightBurn has an option to automatically reset to either universal settings or your own customized defaults each time your start a new project.

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And how can I save the parameters of each machine? I have 3 different ones and each one has its parameters, but they are not saved in each layer

Select the device profile you want to save settings for, then go into the Cut Settings Editor, establish settings you’d like saved for a given layer, then click Make Default. Repeat for as many layers you’d like to save defaults for, with each device profile you have.


Hola, gracias por responder, lo hice tal y como lo menciona e incluso vi videos de como, pero lamentablemente cierro el programa vuelvo a abrir y no se guardan lo parametros de cada maquina, sera un error en el programa?

Hello, thank you for responding, I did it exactly as you mentioned and I even watched videos of how, but unfortunately I close the program and reopen it and the parameters of each machine are not saved. Could it be an error in the program?

When you re-open LightBurn, what are the settings you see when you create a new layer? Are they the same for each device profile you have? If so, are they the correct settings for a specific device, but not for all, or do they not match any of the defaults you’ve saved?

Hola, por ejemplo tengo maquina laser co2 , capa 00 velocidad 18 potencia 35, laser diodo capa 00 velocidad 170 potencia 70, hasta ahi en cada maquina guardo los parámetros que quiero que se queden, pero si cierro el programa y lo vuelvo a abrir laser co2 me los lee correcto, pero si cambio a diodo me pone velocidad 1080 potencia 35, no quedan grabados los parámetros 170/ 70. no coinciden con los parámetros que guarde para cada maquina, me le los últimos guardados

Hello, for example I have a co2 laser machine, layer 00 speed 18 power 35, laser diode layer 00 speed 170 power 70, up to that point in each machine I save the parameters that I want to remain, but if I close the program and open it again laser co2 reads them correctly, but if I change to diode it sets speed 1080 power 35, the parameters 170/ 70 are not recorded. They do not match the parameters that I saved for each machine, it reads the last ones saved

I’ve just tested this behavior and it’s working exactly as expected for me, so I’d like to take a closer look at your settings.

In LightBurn, please go to HelpGenerate Support Data, then open an email to and paste the automatically copied content into the email.

Ask for Tyler so it gets assigned to me. :slight_smile:


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