Viewver de file *.lbrn

Good morning
Is there a *.lbrn file viewer in thumbnail
if the answer is no can I have the commands for the “LBShellExtThumbnailHandler.dll” dll because I am considering making one in Delphi language

Are you asking if LightBurn generates thumbnails that can be viewed in Explorer? If so the answer is yes.

hello yes that is the case but one at a time I would like it to display all the directory

That also works.

OK thanks
it works yes directory by directory but I would have liked to see my entire disk of all the files by using the scroll to see the following

If I understand correctly you can use a free application called “Everything”. This scans your drives and indexes them to make searching much better than Windows native search. Here’s a screenshot showing files from various folders as thumbnails…

…and as a list:

I hope this helps.

If @Marcus_Wakefield’s suggestion doesn’t get you what you’re looking for then here’s another option.

The format for the thumbnail data isn’t particularly sophisticated.

If you look at the <Thumbnail Source> tag in the .lbrn2 file (XML), it looks to be a base64 converted PNG image. You could parse through all the files and convert that Source string to come up with your own thumbnails in a custom application.

Good morning
thank you for this program, that’s what I wanted
thanks again for the link

Thumbnail images on a Mac would be very nice…

I’m pleased that works for you. If you wouldn’t mind marking my post as the solution it can help other users with the same question.

Good morning
on the other hand I had difficulty with the syntax
I’m doing
or *.lbrn2
where can I get the orders???

Ok, first of all you need to set up which drives and folders you want it to index:

To search for “.lbrn2” and “.lbrn” files on drive “T” enter “t: ext:lbrn2;lbrn” (without the quotes):

You can also set up your own filters and choose them from the drop-down:


You can set these up here:

I hope this helps.

What about Linux and Mac? Don’t use the mac much, but it would be nice for Linux (Ubuntu)

I’ve never been able to see them :crying_cat_face:


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I’m not familiar with any comparable application as what @Marcus_Wakefield has identified on the Linux side but I’m not well versed there.

However, getting thumbnails on Linux likely wouldn’t be that difficult. There’s a well-defined thumbnail mechanism. It would only require something that could parse the xml, isolate the thumbnail string, decode from base64, and place the resulting image to a specific folder location.

This could be strung together fairly easily with a shell script but would be a bit slow.

It would be nice… I tried to chase it down once, but ended up going down some other road for some other reason… Just thought I’d ask…

Do you know how the Mac does this?


No. I’ve never looked into how Macs process thumbnails.

Take a read through this article for Linux:
Custom thumbnails for unknown formats in Gnome | Medium

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