Vigo engraver l7


If you have a vigotech laser engraver L7, you can use lightburn .
before you need to flash the mainboard with the original grbl, you can find it, in the folder of your vigotech software
his name:standard grbl1.1e, see the picture
i found this on the website of vigotech
in this folder you will find the uploader for grbl, and a png file who explain how use and configure xloader

i give you the grbl in the link bellow, but you will need to rename it in .hex
Standard_Grbl_v1.1f .txt (83.4 KB)


Thank you for your contribution.

I will try to find an Arduino UNO in the next day or two and flash it.

The complete folder is still available on and is discussed fairly thoroughly here.
Don's Laser Things: Information in the VIGOtec ecosystem

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I will flash the last version nearly, and i ll test it, and verify the parameters

i was surprised to find the standard grbll in the folder of vigotec, but its fine. 3 months ago, grbl was Not in

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