Waiting for Connection! Da~~it!

I just finished building an MPCNC Primo machine controlled by a BigTreeTech SKR Pro 1.2 with TMC2209’s running Marlin 2.1.1.

I’ve set the machine up manually as a Marlin device in Lightburn (name it and set the size).

Once I set it up the laser tab goes from “disconnected” to “ready” and shows my device ready on COM4.

However, try as I might I cannot get anything but “waiting for connection” on the console.

Somebody please help before I stick my head the microwave!

(Just kidding about the microwave thing. It was just for emphasis. Besides microwaves have door safety switches which would disallow a head attached a body to be microwaved.)

For real though, any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

Any chance your COm4 is being shared. Happens at times

Right click Windows menu → device manager
Expand ports
Unplug USB
take snap
Plug USB, power on board
Take snap

Thank you for your input on this! Turns out the problem had something to do with the fact that I installed Repetier Host before I installed Lightburn. If I launch Repetier Host and hit connect and then quit the program and go into Lightburn Voila! it connects perfectly. Before anyone thinks I’m claiming this as my idea I have to give credit to M1000 Waiting for Connection on Marlin. I read his post about using Pronterface and thought it might be the same with Repetier Host.


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