Waiting for connection... issue

MECPOW X4 PRO - everithing was running fine for 1 week and sudenly it stoped and despite beeing “ready” it can not comunikate with engraver machine. The computer beeps when I turn machine on, and Lightburn looks like it sees the machine, but doesnt cumunicate. It writes: Waiting for connection…
My version is 1.6.03 because new version would not open. Windows 11. Conected via USB cabel. I will be happy for any help. The older topics doesnt have the soutions. Thank you.

And now it chnged to COM4:

Did you change USB ports?

Could you please try installing the 1.7.04 by right-click Run as administrator?

i have had this same problem for two days. did you figure it out?

Did you check the Windows device manager, which COM port was assigned to the laser?

I changed it after it stopped working, and then switched it back. Still showing COM4. How do I check wich com is ok and swop it?

Open Windows device manager and check the COM ports section. Look for a ch340 device.
2022-02-25 16_49_53-Geräte-Manager

I am sorry. I can not find the version 1.7.04. It is available only 1.7.03 - and this one would not open on my computer. At the moment still I have free version. Do I purchase license and get higher version?

It says COM4.

It is working again. I pushed and pulled all the buttons (on/off) on the machine, unplugged and plugged it again, and swopped the USB ports again. Now it is in difrent order then before, but it works. I have learnt what COM means :slight_smile: Thank you for your help! Sending regards from Slovakia EU.

Hello Deanna. It is working again. I pushed and pulled all the buttons (pressed on/off) on the machine, unplugged and plugged it again, and swopped the USB ports again. Now it is in difrent order then before, but it works. I suppose the emergency button could be stuck or something. Hope you solve it. Sending regards from Slovakia EU.

It was showing COM4, but now (after I switched off everthing) it is working in COM3. I am sorry, I am new to laser engraving and not technical typ. I do not understand what happened. But before it stoped working, I had not changed the ports. Only after when I was trying to figur out what is the the problem.


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