I recently purchased an Opt Laser for my X-Carve Pro. I followed a very good video on how to install and I’ve checked all my steps to insure my wiring is installed correctly. However, when i start lightburn and create my device manually it just keeps showing “waiting for connection” I have looked through all the forums and still can’t get it to find my device. I have unplugged the USB and swapped out the cable and still no luck. Any help on this would be greatly appeciated.
Have you tried all available USB ports?
Yes ive tried all 4 ports
Congratulations and welcome.
Did you install th FTDI driver per the recommendations?
yes i installed this
I have also went into easel and tried g code to fire the laser in the machine inspector area and it won’t fire the laser either. I have replaced the wires and still can’t get anything to work. When i run the code for the spindle it will work just nothing with the laser. When i was checking for bad connections i did notice that if the ground was unhooked the laser would fire but the router would also turned even though the PWM wire for the spindle was unhooked
Your problem seems to have changed from no connection to a laser problem.
Does your X and Y jog controls work?
Yes i can jog my machine from easel yet
But not from Lightburn?
Correct…i cant get lightburn to connect to the laser in order to jog it
Check your machine S-Value max, Max rates and $30.
Read the following document:
Have you managed to make it going?
Which laser it was?
No i still can’t get it to connect in lightburn or even fire in Easel using the codes that opt lasers said to use to test fire. I have the PLH3D-XT8 laser head. Opt laser hasn’t been much help in trying to figure this out either.
Did you follow the OptLasers guide?
Recheck your connections and set your machine laser adapter settings:
Also check Device Manager if a Comm port get assigned to the XCarve.