Was running fine for 3 days, now my Home zero's are X210 - Y220

Don’t know what to do.
Please help.


What did you do between the “fine for 3 days” and “now” parts in your subject line?

Does G10 or G54 ring a bell? Did you change grid orientation via Swap X/Y output in the device settings window?

If I did, I wouldn’t even know how I did this.

when this happens what I do is hit the GO button in top right corner of your picture, then after machine has stopped moving, gently and slowly push the gantry to the 0,0 position. (Do not move the Gantry fast as the stepper motors will create power and back feed into the control board.)
This ussually happens when you do not home the gantry befor you turn machine and PC off. When you restart machine and pc, it thinks it IS in the home position.

This applies to a machine without Home switches.

Ok, diagnostics time:
Does the machine Home properly when powered up or by using the Home button in the laser window?
If it does not, we will work on solving that.

If it does Home properly, then Enter these commands, one at a time, in the Console window. Then copy & paste the contents of the Console window in your reply.
? (yes, this is a command)

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