Wavy engraving on fill, line mode OK

My off brand 10watt diode laser is not engraving correctly in fill mode. The Y axis skews back and forth randomly as the engraving progresses. In line mode, everything seems correct. I have tried adjusting belts, checked for looseness/tightness in the bearings, etc. I am at a loss. See pics. I ran these at 3,000 mm/m 60% then ran the box around the engraving for reference. The circle was ran at 6,000 mm/m 90%

I recently replaced the controller and did not notice this issue prior to replacement. Don’t know how that could be the cause, but wanted to include that info.






Target buffer size found

[MSG:Using machine:MKS DLC32]

[MSG:No Wifi]
























































These seem high. My gantry machine with about the frame size is 6000.

These seem low. Mine are 1000 mm/sec^2.

You might try adjusting to improve the tracking.

Thanks for your reply. I had just finished going through the whole machine again looking for anything mechanical. I found a little binding on one of the X axis bearings and was hopeful that was the problem. It wasn’t and I was ready to take a sledge hammer to it and move on when your reply came in.

Changing those settings didn’t solve the problem, but it got me looking deeper into the settings. I went back to the settings that I downloaded from the old controller, which I copied and pasted to the new one. Not sure how it got changed but the $0=6 needed to be $0=10. After I made that change everything started working properly. I even set it back to 6 just to verify that it wasn’t a fluke and it started engraving badly again.

Problem solved, thanks again for making me look.

Glad you found it! You never know where the brain spark will come from for sure.

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