Welding no longer opperating well (recent)

Hi Oz,

Sure, it was an etsy svg file (monogram split-seller link below), It looked ok, but I started noticing inconsistencies on several of the letters. I ended up doing quite a bit of tweaking for it to look nice and clean. My guess is my connections, adjustments in LB did not quite work as well as I was thinking they did. I did a ton of editing after cutting the first one on many of the letters in the complete file I purchased.

After reviewing all the advice here I re-downloaded the crappy file and re-edited with all these notes in mind, and was successful with the welding.

On other files I was working on I needed to group the external circles I created in LB to make an ornament outline prior to trying to weld the text to the circle. Welding is the name of the game this week and it seemed everytime I tried I failed so came here. The errors were my fault, but I appreciate the forum and folks here explaining things so I can troubleshoot better next time.


Happy to help, and glad you came here too.

I see a lot of people in different FB groups looking for advice on features, and the answers given are wrong 9 times out of 10 because people want to be first more than they want to be correct. It’s a bit maddening, but we’re very clear about where to come for proper help.

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