"were set to fill, but weren't closed"

I assume there is a question implied here, so I’ll try to answer what I think it is, but it’s better in general if you actually ask. For example, you could be asking, “what does this mean?” or you could be asking “how do I close these?”

Imagine I draw four independent lines, like this:

Then I move them together so they’re touching:

They are still just four lines, even though they look like a rectangle - they aren’t connected to form a single continuous, closed path.

If you place four pieces of 2x4 on the floor in this arrangement and try to pour concrete into the middle, you’ll quickly find that there’s a big difference between filling four disconnected lines and filling an actual solid rectangle where the four parts are joined into a single object.

If I click on any of the lines in my original ‘square’ above, it’ll just select that one line. To connect them, select all four and go to Edit > Auto Join Selected Shapes, and that will connect the shapes together where their ends touch, like nailing boards together, so they can be filled.

Sorry, not being specific…
A bit of background, I am a very Old School CNC Machinist…. been looking at CAD software forever…
I know my lines are broken/open/overlapping or there is a small segment hanging around some where…
I cannot find it and my ScreenPrint is showing me which Fill area just not Where…
I have zoomed in and followed the spline all the way around and cant seem to find it…

note: I also moved the center highlighted section out of the circle and looked again

Select those shapes and click Edit > Auto Join to connect them if they’re close enough. Alternately, go to Node Edit mode and look there. Start points are larger and green:


In the above image, the smaller red dot is connected. The other three are not.

I did Optimize 1007 to 97… but Join gave me this…

Can you post the file here? I can show you. I may to add a “where are the ends” tool. :slight_smile:

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Just email it to support at lightburnsoftware dot com, and include a link to this thread. I’ll grab it from there.

Look at the red spots:

Both of them “double back” over the curve, and aren’t connected.

And one down here in the lower corner of the Z:

I found those point because you showed me, images shown red, however, still Auto-Joined no success… I will redraw image and start all over

Lift one of the ends with the node tool and let it snap to the other.

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