The 9 buttons to the left of the Rotate function
Hover your mouse pointer over them and they will tell you.
That’s referred to as “9-dots control”. You can read about the overall Numeric Edits Toolbar here:
Numeric Edits - LightBurn Software Documentation
My bad.,
I thought he meant the row above that.
I’m also just interpreting based on the description so I may be wrong. I’m going from “left of the Rotate function”.
My bad. I thought I circled the 9
radio buttons to the left of the Rotate function.
Thanks for clarifying. In that case my original answer should be correct.
The link you posted in your previous comment describes everything except the 9 dots. Thanks Mike
You may have missed it.
I’ve highlighted the portions here:
Essentially this determines the relative location from which all other numeric edits are applied.
Thank You very much
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