It’s going to go above the laser control panel too. Just to have cursor control and an extra left mouse button, at the laser. There are many times that I am ready to send a job from my desktop computer (where the mouse and keyboard are) or make a last minute adjustment, like I want to run a “Frame” before hitting “Start” but don’t want to go back and forth with the mouse in my hand… and I inevitably end up leaving the mouse over on the laser when I get back to my desk (a few steps away). And I can see my screen plainly from either location. It’s wireless and won’t be mounted… just on rubber feet.
[I just hope I don’t have to paint my fingernails blue to use it.]
The 10 mm/s at 20% power (or any 10% power for that matter) is not cut through.
The 30 mm/s at 90% power is cut through (as is the 80%), but I would have to force the pieces out from the backside, and as a result, I don’t want to include those settings in my “successful” category, so I’ve left them in place.
So, I suppose, to use your terms, yes… they are nearly cut through.