Hi , i would like to know if there is a list, somewhere, of Co2 machines or controllers that can be used with Lightburn.
Thank you all.
According to the Website link at the top:
We currently support most Ruida, Trocen, TopWisdom, and GCode based controllers. Supported GCode controllers,include Grbl, Smoothieware, Grbl-LPC, and Marlin. Supported Ruida controllers include the RDC6442G/S, RDC6445G, RDC6332G, RDLC-320A, and R5-DSP. Supported Trocen controllers include the AWC708C, AWC608, and TL-3120. More controllers will be added soon, so if you don’t see yours listed, send us a message - maybe we’re already working on it!
I’ve a k40 that I swapped out the main board for a 3dprinter MKS sbase 1.3 board, it works perfectly well
OK i need more info, can you tell me the wire connection for the laser? You can control the laser power with LB? I mean, you can engrave and cut in a single job? like i do now with a laser module?
You have a different power supply for the mainboard and for the laser tube?
And what about the emergency stop?
I can cut and engrave in a single job, I have one wire from the hotend MOSFET negative to the laser power supply, I run a separate 24v power brick for the board, and have the steppers wired as X and y, it’s running smoothieware CNC firmware and works a dream, it has pwm control of the laser (I think it’s the l connection of the laser power brick), a really simple swap
The emergency stop button works as it should, the 24v 2nd supply is wired to the 240v AC one the laser power, so it all works of the switch and red button
I can get some pics if you want, it’s took about 30 mins to install the board
if you take som pics it would be great.
Will do as soon as I’m home from work
thank you, take your time, i’m not in a hurry
This should help.
@jjpython Can you post the pics?
The wire from the heated bed output negative goes to the 3rd pin from the left of the middle green block on the laser PSU, I have a 24v meanwell supply for the board power
And I replace the endstops with micro switches
Thank you very much, now is more simple to understand for me
If you need anything further bud, just drop me a message, I will see what I can do, I’ve just wired the heated bed MOSFET negative instead of the hotend, and have tried grbl 1.1f and smoothieware, they both work well
good to know, and thank you for help
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