What controller is this?

I just opened the crate on my brand new Omtech MF1624 60w machine. Was expecting to see a Ruida controller with the green buttons. But I saw this.

Does anyone know what it is?I won’t be able to uncrate the machine until April 1 however. So can’t open the side panel yet. I have to make space for it.

Also, I looked at the inspection sheet and it put out 18mA at 95% power and 2mA at10% power. Is that what would be expected?

This is a fairly new variant of the Ruida 6445 made for Orion Motor Tech. Did they list any software compatibility or in particular, if they provided a copy of RDWorks or similar named software, that would indicate this is a Ruida control system. :slight_smile:

That’s a KT332N. I have one and lightburn has no problems with it.

The Omtech web site says it compatible with Lightburn and it comes with RD works. I looked on the Rudia web site and none of the 6445 variants look like this. The KT332N does not show up on the Ruida web site either. But I did find a “Ruida” user manual for the KT332 N. I’m sure it will be fine. Thanks y’all.

I think this is a custom variant, I too am finding little from the Ruida site, but see several listings such as,

Please report back if you encounter any issues along the journey. :slight_smile: Here to help.

@ednisley has one of these animals… I’ve seen a number of them and from what I can tell, it’s a Ruida…

I did find this, for what it’s worth… :man_shrugging:


That is wild. :slight_smile:

Yeah, OMTech sent me that statement when I asked what was going on with the not-Ruida Ruida controller in my just-delivered machine.

I still have no idea how a Ryxxon controller can simultaneously be a Ruida controller and never appear with Ruida branding:

KT332N control system is the latest generation of standalone laser engraving and cutting control system developed by our company.

It must have taken OMTech’s support folks by surprise, too, because none of the passwords normally used by Ruida work. I still have no idea how to get into the password-protected parts of the controller menu and neither do they. :grin:

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Innovation was so innovative that they have to catch up? Kinda thing? ahah

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Try RX6666. That works for my controller.

Which gets me into the System Info screen, wherein I learn the tube has 33 hours on it and the X axis has traveled 24 km.

They’d suggested RT6666, which seems to work for the parameter setting / restoring functions, although it’s not entirely clear what’s supposed to happen.

Thanks for unwrapping another layer of mystery!

I think it’s a factory reset of the controller. It’s mentioned a few times in this help page.