What is Error 32: error:32 A G2 or G3 arc was commanded but there are no XYZ axis words in the selected plane to trace the arc. How Can I fix this


I’m getting this error, error:32
A G2 or G3 arc was commanded but there are no XYZ axis words in the selected plane to trace the arc.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled the Lightburn program on my laptop, I have removed my laser in Lightburn, and added it back again, and I’m still getting this error. No adjustments in the settings I can see have made any difference.
I currently have a Sculpfun S9 Laser Cutter using. It has been working fine for the last 2 months. I used it successfully up to last week. I cant figure out what has changed to cause this error.

The laser wont do anything, it wont frame the design to cut or move from where it currently is. Can somebody please help? I’m at my wits end. I have orders to complete and haven’t been able to use the machine for 3 days, due to this issue in Lightburn.

LightBurn does not generate G2/G3 commands, so something odd is going on here.

Have you added anything to your ‘Start GCode’ block in your Device Settings?

Is this happening with any project, or one project in particular? How about it if you create a simple square and send that, do you see the same error message? If so, I think the issue is likely with your connection or your laser’s board. If you’re using the USB cord that came with your laser, try a new, higher quality, shielded cord.

Thank you for your quick response. Its giving the error for all projects even the designs I used last week are giving the error.

The attached is what my cord looks like, can you explain what you mean by a Shielded cord?


Also when I try to start it or Frame, it gives me this error:

Feed rate has not yet been set or is undefined.

I tried two other cables, that were actually from my printer, but the ends are the same. But its still giving the same 2 Error Messages with the two other cables as well.

If this is an issue with the board, How do I resolve it?

I have sent the GCode to your email as I cant get it attached here.

How did you add the laser in LightBurn? Make sure it’s of type “grbl” and nothing else. Better not use automatic detection, that doesn’t work well for Sculpfun devices. Here is a guide for setup: https://wiki.the-iskens.com/documentation/setting-up-the-software/
Additionally, if it worked fine before, you can also try to reset or re-flash the firmware. This has helped many users as well (Firmware Update & Settings - Diode Laser Wiki)

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