What is K40 PSU Failure mode?

I had to replace my K40 PSU after the laser quit firing shortly after starting a project. Other than the laser not firing, the project continued as if nothing was wrong. I didn’t hear anything that would make me think there was a problem other than the laser was no longer firing.

I bought a replacement from OM TECH and it solved the problem. I patched in the HV wire with a new HV connector so the laser tube attachment is the original.

My question relates to whether the old PSU is reparable to have as a backup? I took the cover off the old PSU and don’t see any burn or hotspots. Everything looks clean, the connections were all solid. So, what is the likely failed component? Is it worth replacing?

I remember reading a while back that the flyback transformer is the most common failure point on most K40 PSU failures.

Check this out:
Facts about the K40 laser cutter power supply - K40.se

In another article on the same site they talk about potential upgrades to increase reliability of PSU:
How to upgrade your K40 power supply - K40.se


Thanks, this is just what I need. I might check out the 24V supply based on the comments in that article. I’ve added a Z lifter (a long time ago) but it uses an external TB6600 driver and steals 24V from the PSU. I replaced the controller with a Cohesion3D board that uses an external 24V brick so all I’m driving from 24V is the table, but that’s a big load (by K40 standards).

If that isn’t the problem then it’s probably the flyback transformer and that’s not worth replacing… In that case I’ll scavenge for parts and toss it.

Thanks again.

Most of the lps are really not generally considered user fixable… Most people don’t have the equipment to really debug them and most don’t really want to mess around with 30kV.

Do you have a 30kV meter to check it’s output? To be correct, you would have to hook it up to a tube to ensure it’s working properly.

Doesn’t many you can’t, but… this link my help you out… Don has done lots of work with these supplies.

You’ll find a link to his blog and schematics from my query with him…

I watch my lps voltages, but don’t know many that do…

Good luck


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