What is "tool" in the cut menu?

I’m playing around with Lightburn demo while waiting for my official package. I created an image and in the cut/layer menu are all the layers that were used. (I imported an SVG, then proceeded to change it for a Lightburn project). One layer is called “Tool” and under the Speed/Power it has “frame”, which is what I created: a frame around 4 switches (see photo). How did it know this? How can I control the speed and power if it’s already set? And what would the frame render as? Is it a deep cut? Slight engraving? Refer to screen shots.

Covered in the ‘Beginner Walkthrough’ in the docs:

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Thanks, this is good info because I often make lines so I can line up parts and devices later on. In this case that “frame” was to be lightly engraved, so I’ll have to change it.

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