What software use to design things?

What software like Corel Draw do you use to design things?
I’ve tried Light burn but it doesn’t have everything I need.
I can’t find the option to create guide lines.

You can create lines anywhere you like, and set them to use one of the Tool Layers (T1 or T2). Those layers are intended to be used as guides, masks, design helpers, paths for text, and so on - they’re never sent to the laser.

For anything heavily artistic, InkScape, Affinity Designer, CorelDraw, or Illustrator are all very good (and listed there in order of price).

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I started doing some design work with corel draw, but after watching videos by La. Hobby Guy, i ditched it and have been using lightburn for everything. It will do anything corel will do and better imo.

I personally have been using Coredraw for years, I am familiar with it and it works perfectly for me. I’ve also tried Inkscape, it’s also feature-rich, though more ponderous than Corel in my opinion. It also has an advantage: it’s free, the handling is similar to Corel (relatively easy to switch to) SVG is its native format, it’s even able to generate gcode thanks to a plugin. Worth trying, the only investment is some time.