What to do with all these bits and pieces of acrylic scrap?

Well, maybe something really irresponsible or crazy. I thought I’d see if I could melt it down.

So I’m using an old baking pan that I’ve had set aside in the shop for a rainy day (however it was a sunny day) and I’ve loaded it up with these scraps.

I read the melting temp is about 320 F. So I thought I’d use the grill of the outdoor kitchen and seeing as how the flash point is about 480 F, I’d have some comfort zone there.

It’s actually working. I’m surprised.

In progress as if this writing. Having no particular plan for this, I figure I’ll just pour it into the bottom of my 12 year old garbage bin. It’s bottom is sort of worn out. Maybe this breaths new life into it. Or… maybe it marks the end to the bin!

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About an hour into the “cook”:

And final conclusion is: failure. I’m suspecting this needs to be done in a more controlled environment at a higher temp not having an open flame in order to liquify it.

I’m not going to risk a flash fire just to see if I can melt this stuff.

The end.

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Make note DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME. :smile:

Yeah. Here is the failure pictured:

Jeff, this is the wrong way to “melt” acrylic. :wink:
Cut or break your waste pieces into smaller pieces, find your wife’s best jam jar with a lid, fill it with your acrylic leftovers and cover it with acetone! and, remember to screw the lid on.
It takes a few days but depending on the amount of acetone you use, you get a more or less liquid mass that you can “cast” with. :+1:
The curing process also takes a few days again.

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I’ll have to try a small experiment with that.

If you use methylene chloride(Dichloromethane) instead of acetone the acrylic will melt faster.

… interesting, I want to try it. But it’s hard to find here in Europe.