When I flip my Y axis using the $3 my x axis also flips

Can’t fathom why that would be.

If you disable soft limits does the laser otherwise work correctly?

I’m curious if there’s a firmware update available for your controller.

When I disable soft limits, the laser homes successfully, and I am able to jog it as well after homing. but if I go to frame the image, the limit switches don’t then register and the stepper motors start to grind. I have tried to update the controller but I can’t seem to get it to work

I have been able to successfully get the laser to work via the sd card in the control box. Everything via the sd card works, homing, framing and cutting. I am still unable to get it to run via my laptop though so I think that the issue is there

How are you homing and framing from the SD card? Or are these commands you can initiate from the control panel?

Try running this in Console and describe what occurs?

G0 X5 Y5

when the sd card is installed into the control unit, it automatically homes. then when I press the button on the unit it frames, if I press it again it starts to cut/engrave

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