When PC wakes from sleep, Lightburn apparently tries and fails to send last file again

I’m running 1.7.03 on Windows 10, with a Ruida.

A couple of times now, after some successful cutting, I have returned to my machine and woken it from sleep to see this dialog

Almost as if the act of sleeping (or the act of waking) has caused Lightburn to re-attempt the last file transfer. This might have only happened when clicking Send was the last thing I did before leaving the machine, so maybe focus is still on that button?

I’m not sure this has actually broken anything. It might have been the cause of one weird failure where the laser only cut half of my part.

Ignore ‘Start’ button if monitor is off or asleep - Ignore ‘Start’ button

Prevents you from accidentally starting the laser by pressing the wrong key when waking the computer. This is particularly useful on lasers that don’t have enclosures with safety interlocks, such as most diode and Galvo lasers.


Thanks, I’ll turn that on, but also

  • this is (as far as I can tell) Send not Start
  • how is tapping space equivalent to a button press ? That feels wonky.

I am not sure in ruida case, but it could be a “Hotkey” shortcut.

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