When running material test with rotary

The letters are reversed, like a mirror image.

If everything else is correct Iā€™d rotate the rotary 180 degrees and try again.

Can you provide some more detail on your rotary setup? How is this wired? Please post some pictures of your setup and configuration.

You can always reverse the axis to correct this if rotating the rotary attachment is not an option.

Another quick fix, you can always flip the image in lightburn just to keep working. I had issues with my rotary when I first set it up. I have a completely custom built Co2 laser and made an error when I first wired the rotary up. I had a whole batch of glassware to burn and flipping the image gave me the time to finish the project first. I eventually fixed the rotary by simply reversing one pair of wires to the stepper motor thus making it spin the other direction.

It works fine using EZcad.

There is a reverse or mirror toggle in the rotary setup screen Useful for putting text/ images inside a ring or other cylinder, just flip that the other way. Possibly.

Thanks, that worked

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