Where do I put .ttf (font) files?

Somehow I created text in one of my files, but now when I open the file it says it can’t find the font. Could this have happened when I updated Lightburn recently? Either way, I found a site and downloaded a few .ttf files. My question is: Where do I put them so they will be choices when I add/edit text? Thanks.

You don’t say what OS your using but if its Windows. Right Click on the File and select “Install for All Users” . This should install the font in Windows and it will be available inlightburn

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Makes sense. Thanks. But It was there, I used it. Would updating Lightburn have removed it if was a Windows font?

Dont know about updating Lightburn causing the issue. But there’s a free program called Nexusfont you can download and install. When you run it, it will show all the fonts you have installed on your computer. You can view the list or print it out. The only other issue is if you do your design on one computer that has a particular font then run the file on another computer that doesnt have that font you will get that message

My philosophy on updates is to not update any software just for the sake up uppdating because very often it causes issues.


Good to know. Appreciate it. I used the font in a design a few days ago. Only thing I did since then was update to 1.7.07. Went in today and font wasn’t in list. I dunno. It’s installed now, Thanks again.