Where i can find default grbl settings for Atomstack x7 pro?

I picked up a used machine from a friend. According to him, he changed $$ parameters in the console, but does not remember which ones.
The machine’s idle speed and return home parameters have clearly been changed. The settings available in the Lightburn program interface did not give the desired result.

Maybe somewhere there are default values of all $$ in the console for Atomstak x7 pro? I want to “reset the settings” and start from the beginning. But how to “reset” the console to the original values on a laser machine

And is that ok, I need min 4 time passes with 100% power and 120mm/m speed to cut through 3mm plywood?
10w laser can’t be so weak. Or it can?
Lens is clean, focus is ok (tried different variants)

I have cut clean thru 3mm ply in 4 passes, 65% power, 650mm/m, 10w laser.
Depends on the material.
Depends on the focus.
Depends on the humidity.
Starting to see how it works?

Since the focus of the laser is fixed, the problem can only be in the laser itself. I was also able to reset all $ values ​​in the console to factory defaults and it became much better. however, he cut 3mm MDF in 4 passes at a speed of 267 mm/min.
I use honeycomb pad. Can’t imagine what can be wrong.

You originally said “3mm ply”. I have not cut MDF yet, but I would expect it to be more difficult to cut. It is more dense than plywood and has a lot more binder (glue) material in it. If you have a settings improvement with MDF over what you were getting with ply, surely cutting ply would show an even greater improvement. Give ply a try!

my bad. will try today ply 3mm

for info - hor to make hard reset in console settings
$RST=$ reset all $ values
$RST=# reset something about coordinates G54-G59 G28 / 30 - i really dont know what is that
$RST=* reset ALL $ and G values

Thise $RST=* helped me alot. Very usefull when you dont know who and what had changed in cnc brains

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