Where i find or can install Hatch cross

Hello there,

I have a (for me) big problem. I updated from version 1.0.0 to version 1.3.01 to get the cross hatch feature. But in the settings where I find the “Cross-Hatch” icon in a friend’s Lightburn program (he has the 1.2.04 version, so below mine), my version still says “Negative Image”. And I can’t find the cross hatch icon anywhere else.
I hope someone can help me. And please forgive my bad english

First pic are my settings (english)
Second pic are my settings (german)
Third pic are settings from my friend

The word “Kreuzschraffur” is the missing “Cross-hatch” :wink:

If you got a solution for me…please explain it step for step…im not really an pro in such things :slight_smile:

Greetings Manuel

Are you using the same object type? It looks like you may have an image in one example and raster or fill objects in the other. Try using the same file or type of object on each system.

with object type do you mean the same laser or end device?

Shouldn’t that be irrelevant since the program gives the specifications and the laser only does that? or is it so important that the terminals are the same?

Unfortunately, there are two different devices

The type of ‘fill’ that you have the layer set to is what they are referring too.

If your layer is set to ‘image’ you don’t have a bidirectional scan option… The other layer was set to ‘fill’ which is where you have the option.

Make sense?


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