Where is the Files folder?

I haven’t been on the forum for a week. I just came back to look for some files, but the “Files” tab appears to be missing. I assume it has been moved, but it seems to evade me.

I would appreciate anyone providing a link.
Thank you,

Hi Andy, do you mean the ‘file list pane’?
If so make sure it’s checked in the ‘window’ tab at the top of Lightburn.
If you mean ‘file’ at top left next to ‘edit’, it should be there .
try resizing the window

Hi Kris,
I attached what I have on the top of the lightburn forums screen. I am pretty sure that last week I saw a tab called “Files.” And in that folder I would see power grids, 400x400 grid layouts, etc. I should have saved the link.
So I am not clear on what you mean by the “window” tab. Now that you see what I see, can you direct me from there?

Thank you so much for your help. I finally found what I was looking for.
All the Best and Happy Holidays!

Can you share what you found with the rest of us?

I am a little embarrassed to say that I was looking in the wrong Support Group. I thought it was in the Lightburn SG, but I finally realized it was in the Ortur Facebook SG. That folder has all kinds of engraving files available for download.
Happy Holidays!

No worries. Good to know.

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