Where to buy replacement honeycomb

Where do you buy replacement honeycomb?

sweet shop :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I found mine on ebay

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CloudRay states they can make them in custom sizes if they don’t have one that “fits” your needs. :slightly_smiling_face:

See them here

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There is also this seller on eBay that can make nothing custom for you and is in the US

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“If needed, these aluminum honeycomb core sheets can easily be resized by the buyer to smaller sizes using a straight edge and sharp knife.”

Doesn’t that sound relatively delicate compared to steel and thus much easier to deform?

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The steel honeycomb is much better material because you can use magnets to hold items down flat


It also claims to be only 1/4" thick with a .0026" foil thickness.
The (steel) honeycomb that came with my Red&Black is about 3/4" thick with a foil thickness greater than .008".

That aluminum one sounds VERY delicate to me.

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The seller has all sorts of sizes and variations.




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100% agree. I miss my steel honeycomb from my former machine for that reason! I will say though, for my 900 x 600 honeycomb bed, I appreciate the lighter weight aluminum. But I would take the heavier steel any day for the ability to use magnets on it.


Agree! Magnets are a big help to stabilize material on bed

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I had the exact same. Started with a aluminum bed and then bought a new one which was steel, which I did not know. At first I was not happy with it because of the weight, but I must say the ability to use magnets is such a game changer. I never want to go back to aluminum again :laughing:

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Great replies everyone. Thank you!